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We mark a new milestone in the chapter of human flight.

Some boards. Some friends. A packed car and an empty road. Just add snow and you're all good. "I wanted to keep it as simple as possible," Bryan said. "I picked three locations, got some friends together and went on these road trips looking for good snow.

The multi award winning Gran Turismo series is coming exclusively to PlayStation 4...introducing GT Sport. Building on its legacy as the most realistic and accessible driving simulator, GT Sport has partnered with the FIA to push the boundaries of racing games.

► Click here to purchase The Fourth Phase: Feast your eyes on the FULL segment from The Fourth Phase featuring Travis Rice, Mark Landvik, Mikel Bang and Shin Biwajima shredding the deep powder of Japan.

Nike’s Never Not Part 2 takes a deeper look at snowboarding, going beyond the action, the tricks, & the travel to expose the people behind the progression. By elevating the voices and viewpoints of the world’s best riders, this film taps into the snowboarding spirit, exposing audiences to the sport’s unique culture and characters. Getting up close and personal with the riders, we learn what it takes and what it means to realize your potential and live the snowboard dream. Exploring the creativity and ambition that drives these riders, snowboarding expands. It becomes a metaphor for freedom and an inspiration to pursue your passions whatever they may be. Directed by: Per-Hampus Stalhandske (